February 25, 2011

Fixated Friday:The Liar Society Playlist

Before I knew of the Liar Society two sisters got together and said hey lets write a book. So they did. The Liar Society was the product. While they were busy writing they used this playlist to inspire. So enjoy (I know they already posted this but I figured why not? Oh and my little story there could just be my imagination.) 

Lisa and Laura Roecker's The Liar Society Playlist:

Get a playlist! Standalone player Get Ringtones

just sayin,


  1. Ahhh! I LOVE this Kare! I'm so going to listen to this while I'm reading the book! I love the song Trouble! I'm going to listen to this playlist today!
    LOVE it! So many awesome songs! :D


Let me know what you think was an epic win or an epic fail, or if you feel like it make robot sound like beep beep boo bop. Really I could careless just keep it clean.