Hey guys, I read this book once about a faerie ring, a pick pocket, and the streets of London. I thought it was cool so I invited the author to an interview on the blog!!
Kiki Hamilton author of The Faerie Ring
Hi there! Thanks so much for having
me on your blog!
What was your latest epic win? (a
small but meaningful accomplishment like finding a bag of Bertie Bott’s while
Beating my super-smart 28 year old nephew in
Scrabble. HAHA – still cackling over
that win. J
Epic fail? (basically this is an
embarrassing moment that you can laugh about)
over the last stair on an up escalator in the middle of a Nordies in Portland –
not pretty.
What are your thoughts on your book
being turned into a movie?
Yeah, that’d be cool.
What is the last book you read?
An ARC of The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer
In three words describe yourself:
Loyal, chocoholic, eclectic
One question you wish you had a
definitive answer to:
when am I going back to London?
A quote you live by:
A river cuts through rock, not because of its power, but
because of its persistence.
In Your Perfect World…
I would have enough time to do all the things I want to do,
I’d play guitar like Keith Urban, I’d
sleep like a baby, I’d lose those last stinkin’ ten pounds and there’d be world
peace. Of course.
If you could be a superhero, what
would you want your superpowers to be?
Time-travel and
magic. Always with the magic. J
If given a time machine would you go
back to the past or into the future?
I think always the
past – so many unanswered questions, so many stories that haven’t been told or
Do you have any projects in the works?
If so can you tell us about any of them?
I’ve written
the next book in THE FAERIE RING series and I’m waiting to see what my editor
thinks. I just finished a YA contemporary and I’m waiting to see what my agent
thinks and I’m halfway through a YA alternate history story with some steampunk-like
twists that’s kind of fun. If only I had more time!! See question 8.
This was fun! Thanks again
for having me on your blog!
Thanks for stopping by!! :)
Look for my review of The Faerie Ring later this week.
just sayin,