May 01, 2012

April Sent Packing

Books Read in April (this list looks sad...):
  • Chopsticks by Jessica Anthony
  • The Night She disappeared by April Henry
  • The Day Before by Lisa Schroeder

Books Reviewed in April:
Land of Potatoes:

So I've been going crazy trying to adjust to my schedule and, you know, homework and as you can tell I'm not really reading all that much. HOWEVER I have two things going for me A) I am in the middle of like three books right now (The Hobbit for one of my classes, SocialPunk, and Revive) plus all the stupid textbooks I have to read so it's not like I am sitting doing nothing and B) I've brought Dallin in to blog with me. No idea if he'll actually do anything but hey he's here so I can't complain. 

Dallin's Rebuttal:

For those of you wondering I am having a blast at school so far. This is so where I need to be and I'm pretty sure I'm learning stuff that is going to help me through out my life. For those of you not wondering well here is a some funny stuff to look at:

just sayin,


  1. Didn't you have Dallin join you once before?!

    Well I hope it goes well and that you continue to enjoy school. :)

  2. I totally can relate to you on a crazy schedule because of school! I literally snorted at the 'You changed man' one! I LOVE the stuff you're learning in school the bike with the saw is so perfect, holy cow!


Let me know what you think was an epic win or an epic fail, or if you feel like it make robot sound like beep beep boo bop. Really I could careless just keep it clean.